Monday, April 14, 2008


Well... the verdict is back on student response to this year's new VEISHA policies. You could say they revolted, but not in the sense of previous VEISHA riots. Instead, hardly anybody purchased the wristbands or attended the concerts. According to a girl I know on the VEISHA committee, they had only sound around 2,000 wristbands, when they expected to quickly sell out of the 7,000.

Apparently, students were not the only ones who were upset with policy. Eve 6 was one band that was scheduled to perform on Saturday night. When they found out about the wristband situation, they negotiated a new deal with Iowa State because they believed that their concert should not be limited and anybody should feel free to attend. So, Even 6 ended up playing on Friday night instead of Saturday and it was an open concert. However, I believe that Iowa State did a poor job of communicating this, because I talked to a lot of people and nobody heard that it was open to the public. However, due to poor communication and bad weather, hardly anyone showed up to the concert on Friday night. The same goes for Saturday night. I personally, never ventured onto central campus for the usual festivities of VEISHA. All in all, VEISHA was kind of a dud this year. We'll see if they decide to rethink the new policies for next year.

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